If you lose some weight
Your trousers may be too loose
Spell them correctly!
Transport en commun
Only one of us
Can be walking on my feet
At a time, Madame.
Conspiracy Theorists
Conspiracy fans
Distract from worthier goals
Poor misguided souls.
Giving someone props
Doesn’t dull your own star’s shine
The sky’s full of stars
All the world’s a stage
But life ain’t a monologue
Others too have scenes
Your trousers may be too loose
Spell them correctly!
Transport en commun
Only one of us
Can be walking on my feet
At a time, Madame.
Conspiracy Theorists
Conspiracy fans
Distract from worthier goals
Poor misguided souls.
Giving someone props
Doesn’t dull your own star’s shine
The sky’s full of stars
All the world’s a stage
But life ain’t a monologue
Others too have scenes