We scramble like mad,
Because one minute too late
Means it won’t matter
Stress? Diet, maybe?
Her life, others’ lives drift by -
Arm numbs, vision blurs...
An ocean of light...
They struggle to reel her back
from the other side.
Headline: $100 Million to the Moon
“Life’s too short!”, she said.
“Near-death Survivor Buys Trip
To See the Heavens”
Welcome to ‘08!
May all of your syllables
Add up correctly
We scramble like mad,
Because one minute too late
Means it won’t matter
Stress? Diet, maybe?
Her life, others’ lives drift by -
Arm numbs, vision blurs...
An ocean of light...
They struggle to reel her back
from the other side.
Headline: $100 Million to the Moon
“Life’s too short!”, she said.
“Near-death Survivor Buys Trip
To See the Heavens”
Welcome to ‘08!
May all of your syllables
Add up correctly