Monday, January 7, 2008

Crime & Punishment

Universal Language
The silent treatment
is aptly named; since talking
digs you in deeper.

Fashion Trends
Hip-Hop 101:
Jail time for pimps or dealers
is like the new black.

Negative Reinforcement
“Time-outs” for my dad
Meant time out of his schedule
To whup my behind.

Iowa Cockahoop
Underage drinking
Poses less of a threat than
Underage voting

Yo-ho-ho and A Barrel of BitTorrent
Music "piracy"
Lacks the swashbuckling of its
Nautical namesake

Timeout N.E.S.
Going to my room
Stopped deterring my mischief
After Nintendo

I Ledge a Peegance...
In the War on Drugs,
Uncle Sam retreated
from prohibition.

Wheel in the Sky
If Karma’s a [snitch],
It’s only because we all
keep abusing her.

Pre-packaged Bliss
Given what’s in it,
letting Timmy have dessert
is worse punishment.

Bittersweet Victory
Cheat codes aren’t as fun
Now that game developers
want us to find them.

Revenge… Russian style
Dostoevsky’s tome
On murderous thoughts made real
Inspired this haiku

Humbled by their honor
The Supreme Court! Lord!
My Black ancestors fought hard
For my right to write.

All things in cycles
All energy good and bad
Is returned. Ache.

Jinx! Buy Me a Coke!
Having uttered words
in unison, I hereby
demand my bounty.

Video Rental Warning (aka: Behold the Range of Tim Robbins)
“Hudsucker Proxy”,
“Shawshank Redemption”. Do NOT
get these films mixed up.

Kung Fu Justice
Take your lives and go!
But leave your limbs where they are -
They belong to ME!