Leaving the office
I fear both missing emails
And receiving none
Education Secretary
Misspellings haunt me
Long after the reader has
Forgotten my words
Siege Oedipus
I'm perilously
Close to calling most female
Authorities, "Mom."
'Guns' are the New 'Bully'
How safe are the schools?
In my day we played and learned.
Biggest fear? Bully.
Job Insecurity
being caught sneaking
back from a very long lunch.
will they notice me?
I Was Trippin'
A once affected
Employment of slang is now
Natural to me
The Reality of the Situation Comedy
I don't watch 'Idol'
Not because I won't like it
But because I will
My sincerity
Is confused for sarcasm
Even with smileys
Alone at Night
The child in his bed.
Shadows shift in the corner.
Parents sound asleep.
Dietary Supplements
You have centipedes
and cats...recipe for a
self-solving problem.
Sidewalk Dangers
Inside my pocket,
I grip my keys extra tight
crossing over grates.
Calls from Family
I live far from them.
Each call, a part of me fears,
harbors tragedy.
Coming Out
I suppose it's time
to conquer my senseless fear
of emailed haiku.
Adolescent Intuition
In high school I feared
not getting the answer wrong,
but getting it right.
Stairs Are Not For Excercise
An elevator
is a small, sealed, empty room
supported by string.
Did you ever play
the icebreaker where you choose
to fly or to hide?
True Confessions (JK and Мир)
Welcome, and thank you.
I was beginning to fear
no new folks would write.
Identity Theft
I cross out numbers
Before shredding documents.
And I'm still not safe.
Falling in Love (Resistance is Futile)
In truth, commitment
is like falling; once you land
It’s kinda comfy.
Global Warming (Pollution/Toxic Waste/Blah-Blah-Blah...)
It used to scare me.
Now I just recycle more
and hope for the best.
Leaving the office
I fear both missing emails
And receiving none
Education Secretary
Misspellings haunt me
Long after the reader has
Forgotten my words
Siege Oedipus
I'm perilously
Close to calling most female
Authorities, "Mom."
'Guns' are the New 'Bully'
How safe are the schools?
In my day we played and learned.
Biggest fear? Bully.
Job Insecurity
being caught sneaking
back from a very long lunch.
will they notice me?
I Was Trippin'
A once affected
Employment of slang is now
Natural to me
The Reality of the Situation Comedy
I don't watch 'Idol'
Not because I won't like it
But because I will
My sincerity
Is confused for sarcasm
Even with smileys
Alone at Night
The child in his bed.
Shadows shift in the corner.
Parents sound asleep.
Dietary Supplements
You have centipedes
and cats...recipe for a
self-solving problem.
Sidewalk Dangers
Inside my pocket,
I grip my keys extra tight
crossing over grates.
Calls from Family
I live far from them.
Each call, a part of me fears,
harbors tragedy.
Coming Out
I suppose it's time
to conquer my senseless fear
of emailed haiku.
Adolescent Intuition
In high school I feared
not getting the answer wrong,
but getting it right.
Stairs Are Not For Excercise
An elevator
is a small, sealed, empty room
supported by string.
Did you ever play
the icebreaker where you choose
to fly or to hide?
True Confessions (JK and Мир)
Welcome, and thank you.
I was beginning to fear
no new folks would write.
Identity Theft
I cross out numbers
Before shredding documents.
And I'm still not safe.
Falling in Love (Resistance is Futile)
In truth, commitment
is like falling; once you land
It’s kinda comfy.
Global Warming (Pollution/Toxic Waste/Blah-Blah-Blah...)
It used to scare me.
Now I just recycle more
and hope for the best.