Why My Phone Calls are Short and Dull
Big Brother listens,
But I’m not obligated
To entertain him.
Your Nerd is Showing
That look...when sci-fi
comments have to be explained:
Pity meets blank stare...
Blasé About Pascal's Wager
Can Mormons' G-d "Play
"Dice with the universe" well
If he can't gamble?
Where's the line between
Being a nonconformist
And nonfunctional?
Gateway "Fug"
Might desensitize me to
Real profanity
A World Without Wikipedia
I would only “get”
about half of P’s haikus...
Plus be more dumber.
A World Without Google
Like they said in school,
“The only stupid query
is one you don’t ask.”
A World Without Ebay
Where else would I find
all the crap I once had the
good sense to throw out?
Drivers On Cell Phones
You can use your phone
to take nice photos of the
accident you caused.
Sho’Nuff: The Shogun of Harlem
Kung fu gangleader.
One scary mo-fo, thanks to
the Glow...(and Soul Glo).
Medieval Dragons
They breathed fire, right?
Do you think they cooked things
while they were eating them?
Real Life Stuff
Your first house...first child...
saying “I do.” All those things
that mean you’ve grown up.
Big Brother listens,
But I’m not obligated
To entertain him.
Your Nerd is Showing
That look...when sci-fi
comments have to be explained:
Pity meets blank stare...
Blasé About Pascal's Wager
Can Mormons' G-d "Play
"Dice with the universe" well
If he can't gamble?
Where's the line between
Being a nonconformist
And nonfunctional?
Gateway "Fug"
Might desensitize me to
Real profanity
A World Without Wikipedia
I would only “get”
about half of P’s haikus...
Plus be more dumber.
A World Without Google
Like they said in school,
“The only stupid query
is one you don’t ask.”
A World Without Ebay
Where else would I find
all the crap I once had the
good sense to throw out?
Drivers On Cell Phones
You can use your phone
to take nice photos of the
accident you caused.
Sho’Nuff: The Shogun of Harlem
Kung fu gangleader.
One scary mo-fo, thanks to
the Glow...(and Soul Glo).
Medieval Dragons
They breathed fire, right?
Do you think they cooked things
while they were eating them?
Real Life Stuff
Your first house...first child...
saying “I do.” All those things
that mean you’ve grown up.