Family Films
Somewhere there's a rule:
No child in a Disney film
should have 2 parents.
What kind of costume
Did the Big Bad Wolf put on
to trick the Grandma?
The Moral of the Chocolate Factory
When charming madmen
Show you experimental
candy, don't eat it.
Kanga & Roo were a Folie à Deux
Did you realize
Winnie the Pooh was stuffed, but
Rabbit was alive?
The Gemeinschaft is Always Gesellschaft on the Other Side
City/Country mice
Are a false dichotomy—
[What about suburbs?]
AKA How the Leopard Got His Spots
Kipling's best work was,
"How the Ethiopian
"Was Racially Slurred."
Somewhere there's a rule:
No child in a Disney film
should have 2 parents.
What kind of costume
Did the Big Bad Wolf put on
to trick the Grandma?
The Moral of the Chocolate Factory
When charming madmen
Show you experimental
candy, don't eat it.
Kanga & Roo were a Folie à Deux
Did you realize
Winnie the Pooh was stuffed, but
Rabbit was alive?
The Gemeinschaft is Always Gesellschaft on the Other Side
City/Country mice
Are a false dichotomy—
[What about suburbs?]
AKA How the Leopard Got His Spots
Kipling's best work was,
"How the Ethiopian
"Was Racially Slurred."