Friday 5pm
Harsh flourescent lights
Eyes on my computer clock
Freedom is a weekend
Apartheid era
“Masters of our destiny”
Worth the price, indeed.
Freedom from Want
Ev’ry year I’m asked
And struggle to compose it
What’s on my wish list?
Today should be a holiday
Trees and flags have days
But not the end of slav’ry?
Wrong priorities.
Christmas costs A Lot
"Freedom" comes in many forms
Five-finger discount
Broke now, job later
Grad school has another name:
Indentured service
Quarter Century -
Now no more pencils or books!
retirement (that's free!)
At my desk I sit
Dreaming of the days lost here
New Job? I hope soon
Thoughts while listening to the Prop 8 Trial
"Freedom to marry."
Well, that sounds swell. Not so much:
"The bonds of marriage."
I'll fight for your right
To marraige, babies, divorce
But first: Are you sure?
Abriged argument
Of the lawyer with gelled hair:
"Haters gotta hate."
If You Love Something, Let it Go
Like Golden Shackles,
the weight of choosing weekly
themes has been passed on :o)
Freedom of Speech
Do I have the right
to shout “Theater!” in the
middle of a fire?
Grade School Sellout
Never had the guts
to sing, “...the land of the freeeee,
Exceeept for the – slaaaaves”
What Is Freedom?
Action Born of TRUTH
And a Road Seldom Traveled
by the Multitude
"Are you free this weekend?"
Yikes! PacSun schedule:
Friday and Saturday night.
Time to quit, perhaps?
Those in uniform
Sacrifice countless freedoms
To ensure us ours
Open Letter to the Downsized Pundit
The Constitution
shields you from imprisonment,
Not unemployment.
The Last Oppressed Minority
After too long in
the closet, I'm out and proud:
I write fan fiction!
No one to please and
nowhere to be; how I miss
traveling alone.