Beat It
Pride. Look, I get it...
but you should really leave town
before they kill you.
Billie Jean
This can go one of
two ways: DNA test or
restraining order.
Man in the Mirror
As someone else said,
"We ARE the generation
we've been waiting for."
Bye Bye Bye
It’s a breakup song!
“Prob’ly gonna start a fight”?
Gee, Justin, ya think?
Genie in a Bottle
I’m a horny teen
It’s confusing to decide
Whether to have sex
As Long as You Love Me
I could care less ‘bout
Your life, your past, hell, your name!
What matters: LOVE ME.
“This is a story
About a girl named Lucky”
Read: “not” about Brit
The Hardest Thing
Penis puns aside,
Not boning other women
Can be really tough
Gett Off
With Prince, "23
positions in a one-night
stand" sounds like a threat.
I Cannot Lie
I know not what course
others may take, but MY wench
must be rump-tastic!
B.B.D. Counterpoint
Aye, Sir Knight...though if
she smiles too often, withhold
thy trust from said wench.