A political
Ink blot or football. What does
Freedom mean to you?
On Bedrest
Food and remote? Check.
Computer so I can work
from home? Dammit...check.
Open to Interpretation
I’ve got a B.A.:
Art Major, English Minor.
Why? No wrong answers :o)
The Other Side
Social norms, culture,
nature, nurture, destiny...
Freedom’s relative.
It means writing these
haiku on company time
Without losing pay.
I am so damn glad
I don't have to bill my hours.
THAT'S freedom for you!
Even for Puppies
"There is no free lunch"
Derives from fin-de-siècle
New Orleans saloons
Half Dozen of the Other
Idle Hands: either
Jessica Alba feature
or Devil's plaything
Can be Quite Scary
After finals week
Students feel free to relax
And think of failing