Tuesday, December 28, 2010
A New Year
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Christmas and SolsThursday
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Christmas and Solsticednesday
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Christmas and SolsTuesday
Monday, December 20, 2010
Christmas and Solstice
Secular Christmas
It's decorations
Cookies, presents, snow, carols,
Mostly, family
Darkest Day
It's unnatural
Waking up before the sun
Here's to brighter days
Not the Equinox
So is tomorrow
The day on which balanced eggs
Will fall most quickly?
All year, farmers wake
and work before the sun's up.
Thanks for the food, guys!
My forebears lived in
Ukraine. Awesome summers, but
man, winter blew hard!
Both morning and night,
walking the dog in the dark.
I can't wait for spring!
December should just
be called cookie month, because
that's all that I eat.
For He So Loved the World
Saturday Christmas
Robs us of G*d's greatest gift:
The four-day weekend
Team Lautner
What I wonder is:
During a lunar eclipse
Do werewolves still "turn"?
Does anyone else
Feel more holiday ads are
Targeting hipsters?
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Song Summar[Tuesda]ys
Beat It
Pride. Look, I get it...
but you should really leave town
before they kill you.
Billie Jean
This can go one of
two ways: DNA test or
restraining order.
Man in the Mirror
As someone else said,
"We ARE the generation
we've been waiting for."
Bye Bye Bye
It’s a breakup song!
“Prob’ly gonna start a fight”?
Gee, Justin, ya think?
Genie in a Bottle
I’m a horny teen
It’s confusing to decide
Whether to have sex
As Long as You Love Me
I could care less ‘bout
Your life, your past, hell, your name!
What matters: LOVE ME.
“This is a story
About a girl named Lucky”
Read: “not” about Brit
The Hardest Thing
Penis puns aside,
Not boning other women
Can be really tough
Gett Off
With Prince, "23
positions in a one-night
stand" sounds like a threat.
I Cannot Lie
I know not what course
others may take, but MY wench
must be rump-tastic!
B.B.D. Counterpoint
Aye, Sir Knight...though if
she smiles too often, withhold
thy trust from said wench.