Friday, April 24, 2009

Sequels, Reruns, and Second Chances - 4

Candy Aisle: The Day After
“80% off"
makes heart, egg, or bat-shaped treats
less ridiculous

Mere limits alone
might not be enough to stop
Obama’s third term.

Second Chances
Forgiveness, dear friends,
Is to heal the forgiver
Not he that wronged him.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sequels, Reruns, and Second Chances - 3

Some say a fade out
is "leaving the door open."
Well, that's what they think.

If I were able
to do it again, I would
do it all again.

Actually, I
read that on a Starbucks cup.
I really wouldn't.

If I were able
to do it again, I would
turn to piracy.

Do it all again,
Sure I would! Provided I
Had present knowledge.

If I were a boy
I'd sing in a cross-dressing
Destiny's Child.

The French have a phrase
-- "esprit d'escalier" --
For wanting redos

Some witty retort
We come up with well after
The insult is hurled

Asking yourself if
The cute guy at the show WAS
Just that into you

Emailing "haiku"
Then realizing you're off
By one syllable

Ctrl-Z? Revert??
Life has no reset button
(Let alone save points)

When the "spirit" haunts,
Pull out your neutrona wand
Grab your proton pack

Bust ghosts of the past
With what they hate most of all:
Forging a future.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sequels, Reruns, and Second Chances - 2

Musings of a Meat Eater
I don’t understand
catch and release style fishing.
It just seems mean to me.

“Thanks for freeing me!
And the lifetime of flashbacks!
And my new lisp! D*ck.”

The Doomsday Saga
Is being retold again
This time on Smallville

The comic was first
In killing off Superman
Five new books were born

The cartoon movie
Introduced an evil clone
Who died a hero

I fear that Smallville
Will kill Clark and bring him back
But Chloe will die

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sequels, Reruns, and Second Chances - 1

Does food in your fridge,
having thought itself spared,
feel you've betrayed it?
Do meals unfinished
rejoice that they may fulfill
their one true purpose?

Superhero Movies
If the first one is good,
the second will be great, and
the third film will suck.

Five, Seven, Five...
Haiku is, itself,
a pattern set to repeat
itself, haiku is.