Monday, December 10, 2007

Games and Entertainment

Scattergories Done Properly
It caused some debate,
But the jury’s in; crickets
are farm animals

The Addict
“My name’s Jim...” (Hi Jim!)
“I lost everything to high-stakes

The Bridge to Terabithia
Entertaining? Check.
Saddest little film no child
should ever see? Check.

Marble Madness
Perchance the game board
for Jewish Checkers is a
big yin-yang symbol.

Trickier Than it Sounds
After the doors close,
stand on one leg as you ride
the elevator.

Rock Paper Scissors
With a dash of cock fighting
And big game hunting

Skip It
The best thing of all?
There's a counter on this ball!
The goal's not to fall.

Captain N
The creepiest part?
Not the huge, sentient Game Boy.
Mother Brain's lipstick.

On Wii
Bowling or baseball
With a flick of the wrist
I will get a strike

Japan Only? No more!
Vitual Console,
How I love thee. Download this:
Alien Soldier

Virtually Fun
I forgot how hard,
Classic video games are.
Good graphics or not.

Super Mario Brothers
We’re playing the third.
I dig the t[a]nuki suit,
But I hate the flute.

Oregon Trail
How can you forget
The very first time you died
Of dysentery?

20 Sided Die
Exist only for use in
Dungeons and Dragons

Faster than that Hog in the Hedges
"There's nothing more cool
"Than being hugged by someone
"You like," Sonic sez.

Duck Hunt
More than anything
I wanted to shoot the grin
Off that bloody dog

All Good Things...
When I was younger
it was great! As an adult,
peek-a-boo gets old.

Masters of the Universe
Katamari Time!
Come for the gravity ball,
stay for the muzak!

Right Foot Blue
Twister was a hit
‘cuz everyone, everywhere
goes through puberty.

Cosmic Justice
Mass Effect, people.
Choose-your-own-adventure meets
sci-fi /action game.