Sunday, March 23, 2008

Regular Schedules / The Daily Grind

My Money's Worth
Once I've brushed my teeth,
I might delay breakfast for
maximum value.

Leap Year
After 4 years, the
Gregorian calendar
gives us our change back.

The Future is Now
Makes the concept of "Prime Time"
quaint and obsolete.

My First Job
Nobody told me
that your lunch hour
includes travel time

On Friday at three
The check is in my mailbox

Sign of the Times
The phrase "like clockwork"
is meaningless now that our
clocks are digital.

Ides of April
While both are certain,
at least with taxes you know
when you have to pay.

Travel Time
You mean all this time
Lunch started when I left work?
That's preposterous!

New Job Blues
I've gotten used to
The monotony and grind
Of the job I have.

My Time
Standing at the stove
Listening to NPR
Cooking, relaxing

Media Wh*re
Watching Japanese
Movies, DVDs, TV,
Much better than sleep.


Pet Peeve #37
To be considered
"a season", a show needs more
than 10 episodes.

Weekends were "Free" Time.
Now it's "Stuff I Couldn't Do
During the Week" time.

Tearier Relativity
When you're six years old,
a 5-minute time out seems
like eternity.

Moment of Silence
Let us pause, dear friends.
Philip will be taking a
haiku hiatus...

RE: Haiku Hiatus
"I've grown accustomed
To his emoticons," sang
Professor Higgins.

My Brother Has to Work on His Birthday
No birthday time off.
Age may come before beauty,
But duty trumps age.

Fantasy Island Itinerary
“Dear guests, please resolve
your lifelong issues before
the next guests arrive.”

Date Night
My true love and I
spent 10 long years not dating.
Pick you up at 8.


Direct Deposit
It’s like the love child
of the banking industry
and the Tooth Fairy.

Ethnic Combover
As my bald spot grows,
my monthly dreadlock-trimming
grows more infrequent.

Never Be Late Again
Why can’t subways be
built more like roller coasters?
Commuting!! Wooo-HOOOO!!!

Fiscally Fit
Subtle protection.
Like hushed wars of white blood cells...
Bills on autopay.


My 5-year-old Self Thought I’d Be Rich by Now
A great plan, but the
millionaire mountain-climber
market went under.

Software Evolution Theory
I guess I fear change.
I decline the free updates.
Remind me later.

Joint Custody in Hell
Every two weeks,
Damien spends the weekend
with his dad.


The Zen of Marriage and Meals
Culinary wants
are tempered by compromise:
Burger meets Gouda.

Martha Stewart Ain't Got Nothing on My Mama
Mom raised nine children
Ensures hundreds more are schooled
And she bakes from scratch.

"Clean House", Curing OCD One Episode at a Time
There's a perverse joy
In seeing filthy dwellings
Purged through comedy

Friday, March 14, 2008

Scary Things - ホワイトデ

Why My Phone Calls are Short and Dull
Big Brother listens,
But I’m not obligated
To entertain him.

Your Nerd is Showing
That look...when sci-fi
comments have to be explained:
Pity meets blank stare...

Blasé About Pascal's Wager
Can Mormons' G-d "Play
"Dice with the universe" well
If he can't gamble?

Where's the line between
Being a nonconformist
And nonfunctional?

Gateway "Fug"
Might desensitize me to
Real profanity

A World Without Wikipedia
I would only “get”
about half of P’s haikus...
Plus be more dumber.

A World Without Google
Like they said in school,
“The only stupid query
is one you don’t ask.”

A World Without Ebay
Where else would I find
all the crap I once had the
good sense to throw out?

Drivers On Cell Phones
You can use your phone
to take nice photos of the
accident you caused.

Sho’Nuff: The Shogun of Harlem
Kung fu gangleader.
One scary mo-fo, thanks to
the Glow...(and Soul Glo).

Medieval Dragons
They breathed fire, right?
Do you think they cooked things
while they were eating them?

Real Life Stuff
Your first house...first child...
saying “I do.” All those things
that mean you’ve grown up.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Scary Things - Jerdrein

Going to the Doctor
Not going (because
we fear hearing bad news) makes
bad news more likely.

They’re All Around You
People who believe
W’s presidency
hasn’t been so bad.

Paris Hilton
Paris Hilton’s fame;
Simply because I fear what
I don’t understand.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Scary Things - Jecrean

Leaving the office
I fear both missing emails
And receiving none

Education Secretary
Misspellings haunt me
Long after the reader has
Forgotten my words

Siege Oedipus
I'm perilously
Close to calling most female
Authorities, "Mom."

'Guns' are the New 'Bully'
How safe are the schools?
In my day we played and learned.
Biggest fear? Bully.

Job Insecurity
being caught sneaking
back from a very long lunch.
will they notice me?

I Was Trippin'
A once affected
Employment of slang is now
Natural to me

The Reality of the Situation Comedy
I don't watch 'Idol'
Not because I won't like it
But because I will

My sincerity
Is confused for sarcasm
Even with smileys

Alone at Night
The child in his bed.
Shadows shift in the corner.
Parents sound asleep.

Dietary Supplements
You have centipedes
and cats...recipe for a
self-solving problem.

Sidewalk Dangers
Inside my pocket,
I grip my keys extra tight
crossing over grates.

Calls from Family
I live far from them.
Each call, a part of me fears,
harbors tragedy.

Coming Out
I suppose it's time
to conquer my senseless fear
of emailed haiku.

Adolescent Intuition
In high school I feared
not getting the answer wrong,
but getting it right.

Stairs Are Not For Excercise
An elevator
is a small, sealed, empty room
supported by string.

Did you ever play
the icebreaker where you choose
to fly or to hide?

True Confessions (JK and Мир)
Welcome, and thank you.
I was beginning to fear
no new folks would write.

Identity Theft
I cross out numbers
Before shredding documents.
And I'm still not safe.

Falling in Love (Resistance is Futile)
In truth, commitment
is like falling; once you land
It’s kinda comfy.

Global Warming (Pollution/Toxic Waste/Blah-Blah-Blah...)
It used to scare me.
Now I just recycle more
and hope for the best.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Scary Things - Jemayrt

In Tandem (The Plug!)
This week's sketch battle.
Put pencil to paper...twice,
And draw "Scary Things."

Drawing isn't scary (SHAMELESS!)
"draw...please draw," I ask.
Be creative here and there.
Talent not needed.

Eight-legged animals
[Inherently] creep us out
(Yes, even Sleipnir)

You know they are not
Really that happy: an all
Too familiar lie

Able to command
Our hearts, but not their own

[‡] OR Poetic Learner's Permit
When I make up words
I worry people think I
Don't know they are fake

Because I Can't Sleep When Centipedes Roam the Molding, and I Have Cats
Aqua Net is a
useful substitute when Raid
isn't an option.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Scary Things - Jelune

Real or imagined,
Some stuff freaks you the hell out.
That's this week's topic.

The Unknown
The final frontier...
The undiscovered country...
Odd-numbered "Trek" films...

Studies Have Shown...
Most fear death less than
public speaking. From the grave:
"Whew! Dodged that bullet!"

Blind Date Surprise
(Disclaimer: Views expressed in the haiku below do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the management.)

Is she pretty? Check.
Great personality? Check!
Three kids? Wow...Check please!

The Low-Hanging Fruit
As Roosevelt said,
"The only thing we have to
fear, is fear itself"

Friday, March 7, 2008

In Honor of Radio Raheem - An Aoine

What's Not to Love? (An Ode to JI and PB)
They cover the news,
Write trenchant haikus, and are
Kind to nut-case Jews.

Ain't Talkin' Tiddlywinks
Don't hate the player:
Hate the game (just dislike the
Player for playing).

When you love something
Don't set it "free;" nobody
Enjoys rejection

Apollo 13
Jim Lovell's highest
Civilian honor: Having
Been played by Tom Hanks.

It's a shame that Drew
Pinsky is less famous than
Adam Carolla

Movie Review
We watched Black Snake Moan.
Does ‘Skanky girls need love too’
count as a moral?

James Todd Smith
Ladies Love Cool James;
Few rappers’ aliases
are whole sentences.

A Rasta Once Told Me....
“Don’t appreci-ate,
appreci-love!” Don’t blame me
cause you ‘ate h’s.

If Bush Had His Way
Could “practice their love” freely
across the country.

Bridge to Terabithia
Beloved childhood tomes
Made into flashy movies
Often let me down

Lift every voice and sing
Black History month’s
anthem always sounds dreary
Folks, sing it with love!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

In Honor of Radio Raheem - An Déardaoin

Tragically Delicious
I want to lose weight -
Unfortunately, CakeLove
is on the way home.

Minnie Ripperton’s “Loving You”
I keep trying to
make a haiku with this song...
but I got nuthin’.

Tin Roof...rusted
Stipe says the Love Shack
line doesn’t mean “She’s pregnant”.
Urban myth...busted.

20 Years Later, It’s Still Funny
Mouse A mugs Mouse B -
“Give that back! That’s NACHO cheese!”
HA! I love that joke!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

In Honor of Radio Raheem - An Chéadaoin

Better than a Boat
Let’s start a Love Train,
people all over the world!
Let’s wash our hands first!

Red, White, Black, Brown or Green (or Why do people assume their ignorance is shared?)
Don’t assume I hate.
Racist comments have no place
In my inbox. (f**k!)

How Heavy a Haiku? (Lovely...)
Mostly just for fun,
But sometimes my poetry
Becomes a soapbox.

Bring the Heavy
All weights are welcome.
I’d love for this to become
truly expressive.

Method to my Madness
Part of the reason
I chose the “Love/Hate” topic
was to help do that

The Root of Ignorant Hate
Where does it come from?
Poor self-esteem is my guess,
Haters: Try Yoga!

the bridge between hate and love
On a lighter note,
I present the following
Three lines of haiku:

More Milkshake (The Lowbrow)
Just which body part,
Brings all the boys to the yard?
I’d sure love to know!

Natural High
There exists nowhere
a more powerful tonic
than a lover’s smile.

Grammar by Blige
Conjugation was
redefined when Mary J.
coined “hateration”

Looking up, he saw
his true love through the window,
in her true love’s arms

Love and Hate Personified

Radio Raheem
wore his heart not on his sleeve,
but on his knuckles.

I am pretty sure
"Hateration" derived from
The pun "Haterade."

Keep in mind that "hate"
— In this sense — is more about
Envy than contempt

"Haters" pull down their
Peers like the proverbial
Crabs In a barrel

While a "hater" can
"Come at" their betters, they are
Nothing to a boss

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

In Honor of Radio Raheem - An Mháirt

Put Another Way
The only rule is
‘love’ or ‘hate’ (or some version)
must appear each time.

Once More, with Feeling
I hate deja vu.
I feel like fate’s reminding
me that I am its b****

My Application to Harvard
Question: What do you
do in your spare time? I wrote
“Hate on rich people.”

The Actual Poem is Kinda Raunchy
“I think that I shall
Never see a poem as
Lovely as a tree...”

Milkshake Meme
Sing There Will Be Blood
To the tune of Maroon 5's
Hit, "She Will Be Loved."

Yoda Koa[n]
Fear leads to anger;
Anger leads to hate; hate leads
To Meet the Spartans.

Poor AIM
Once I finally
Saw Annie Hall, the word "lurve"
Ceased being funny

"Miss Nancy" and "Aunt Fancy" OR A Haiku Not About A Movie
Avuncular love
Made Harriet Lane the best
Of all First Ladies