Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving TuExperiences

The Great Cranberry Sauce Debate of 2010
Chilled, room temp, who cares?
Guess I'm no foodie, though, 'cause
I love can wibbles!

{b}testing 1 2 3{/b}
Sending from my phone
and not sure how to bold words...
There. Did that do it?

Before Meets After
My specialties are
Beverages and desserts;
Bookends to the meal

Minimalist Holiday Travel
Up and down the stairs.
Grocery and hardware stores.
A.M. doorbusters.

3rd Place is Nice Too, Charlie Brown!
Of his holiday
season specials, Thanksgiving's
my least favorite.

There's No Place Like 5-7-5
I can't tell you how
happy I was to see this
thread in my inbox.

Is it "local food"
if I switched continents first?
100 miles from what?

Travel is really opening my eyes to the world and I'm having a great time and the culture here is so magical and I'm applying to grad school for the Fall
To us, Thanksgiving.
But family, friends, and feasts
are universal.

It Was Passably Pleasant
Next to the pumpkin
we had a papaya pie.
It wasn't as good.

Sauce Sorry
The cranberry sauce
debate just makes me jealous.
Boysenberry? Yuck.

But Seriously / They Make the Best Pumpkin Pies / Yay Patriarchy!
Dinner prepared by
Only Wellesley-Women cooks
Seems so regressive

I Could Really Use / Dumbledore's Powerful Wand / (Amiritenudgenudge)
Which is slower: Trains
(Connecticut to DC)
Or Deathly Hallows?

Answering Irons / Although Your Type was Not Bold / Attempting it Was
Jimi Hendrix's
Take on HTML tags?
Simply — "Bold is love"

Turkey Day
Highlight of the meal
is stuffing, sauce, potatoes.
Turkey's a speed bump.

Agreed on turkey.
No plate space for second rate
since I went veggie.

Freshly baked wheat bread,
covered in honey butter...
This is how I roll.