Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas and Solstice

Secular Christmas

It's decorations

Cookies, presents, snow, carols,

Mostly, family


Darkest Day

It's unnatural

Waking up before the sun

Here's to brighter days


Not the Equinox

So is tomorrow

The day on which balanced eggs

Will fall most quickly?


All year, farmers wake

and work before the sun's up.

Thanks for the food, guys!


My forebears lived in

Ukraine. Awesome summers, but

man, winter blew hard!


Both morning and night,

walking the dog in the dark.

I can't wait for spring!


December should just

be called cookie month, because

that's all that I eat.


For He So Loved the World

Saturday Christmas

Robs us of G*d's greatest gift:

The four-day weekend


Team Lautner

What I wonder is:

During a lunar eclipse

Do werewolves still "turn"?



Does anyone else

Feel more holiday ads are

Targeting hipsters?
