Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A New Year

It's a Fangirl's Life
Is is a bad thing
That the first thing I thought of
was "I met Misha"?

The Year on the Hill
Congress gets stuff done.
People don't like it. House flips.
Congress does more stuff.

In Memoriam
Written on his grave:
I am now "dead serious."
And still not Shirley.
Next year I will write
A novel, lose 10 pounds... and
Meet Misha again.

2010, short form
quit job; asia trip;
summer at jew camp;
new job. new place. same love.

2010, long form
quit job. backpacked thru
asia. hair pulled by monkey.
alone, sick, on beach.

summer at jew camp.
someone gets the mumps. hey there,
state health department!

back to DC. found
a new job. found a new place.
and rats move in, too.

exhale pettiness
and then I breathe in kindness
thanks, yoga teacher.

Say it "Two Thousand Ten"
Now: 2010
Next: 2011
Drunk in the between

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas and SolsThursday

Cold Wind Boston Snow
Frozen Car and Christmas Lights
Lets Stay Warm Tonight

Parked in a guest spot.
If they have to plow, I'm towed.
No White Christmas, please!

Good News and Bad News
If you’re in D.C.
No snow Saturday; but lots
on Sunday. Good luck!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas and Solsticednesday

Longest night ever
Makes it harder to awake
Before the sun sets.

By stealing Christmas,
The Grinch proved that it was real.
Would that work today?

Season’s Meetings
A lame duck session
stuffed with Senate votes makes a
work schedule most fowl.

Marketing Gold
Wisely rejected
jeweler’s slogan: “Ev’ry kiss
ends with the S.S.”

Holiday Recipe
Blend one Messiah,
a jolly folk legend, and
Druid trees. Serve chilled.

Season, Solstice, Eclipse
We sit astride a
speck upon a god; watching
Celestials dance

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas and SolsTuesday

dilemma of the maji
how many presents
are you s'posed get for a
god in three persons?

How old is too old
To have a Christmas gift list?
28? Guess not.

The War on Christmas:
Who the fuck cares if I say
"Happy Holidays"?!?

Don't you realize
The holiday season lasts
T-day til New Years?

Tiny blue shoes, iPads,
Kindles, X-Box [Kinect]s, Droids.
Christmas in Smurfland.

Ice-blue snow shadows
Mirror cool sky above. Steps
Crunch toward a new year.

Chop't gave away lunch.
I missed it. Wait! Again today?
Holy freaking crap!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas and Solstice

Secular Christmas

It's decorations

Cookies, presents, snow, carols,

Mostly, family


Darkest Day

It's unnatural

Waking up before the sun

Here's to brighter days


Not the Equinox

So is tomorrow

The day on which balanced eggs

Will fall most quickly?


All year, farmers wake

and work before the sun's up.

Thanks for the food, guys!


My forebears lived in

Ukraine. Awesome summers, but

man, winter blew hard!


Both morning and night,

walking the dog in the dark.

I can't wait for spring!


December should just

be called cookie month, because

that's all that I eat.


For He So Loved the World

Saturday Christmas

Robs us of G*d's greatest gift:

The four-day weekend


Team Lautner

What I wonder is:

During a lunar eclipse

Do werewolves still "turn"?



Does anyone else

Feel more holiday ads are

Targeting hipsters?


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Song Summar[Tuesda]ys

Beat It

Pride. Look, I get it...

but you should really leave town

before they kill you.


Billie Jean

This can go one of

two ways: DNA test or

restraining order.


Man in the Mirror

As someone else said,

"We ARE the generation

we've been waiting for."


Bye Bye Bye

It’s a breakup song!

“Prob’ly gonna start a fight”?

Gee, Justin, ya think?


Genie in a Bottle

I’m a horny teen

It’s confusing to decide

Whether to have sex


As Long as You Love Me

I could care less ‘bout

Your life, your past, hell, your name!

What matters: LOVE ME.



“This is a story

About a girl named Lucky”

Read: “not” about Brit


The Hardest Thing

Penis puns aside,

Not boning other women

Can be really tough


Gett Off

With Prince, "23

positions in a one-night

stand" sounds like a threat.


I Cannot Lie

I know not what course

others may take, but MY wench

must be rump-tastic!


B.B.D. Counterpoint

Aye, Sir Knight...though if

she smiles too often, withhold

thy trust from said wench.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Song Summaries

Bad Romance
We'd be a sexy,
Drama-filled mess together
Ro-ma, Ro-ma-ma!
Never gonna do
Any number of bad things:
The meme that won't die

A Pedophile With a Thesaurus
Skintight jeans help me
Be your teenage dream tonight
You ephebophile

Toast to the Douchebags
Lost in the: World? Woods?
Depends on whether you ask
kanYe or [Iver]

It's that Dirty Money
Only Puffy Combs
Could coax X-Men raps out of
Justin Timberlake

I Am a Rock
John Donne had it wrong.
Men exist who are islands,
Of which I am one.

This is Why I'm Begging the Question
"I'm hot 'cause I'm fly"
Hypothesis used as proof.
Logically unsound.

My Favorite Things
Neither family,
Nor smooches or days with friends.
Rather, rain and geese.

Almost Any Eminem Song from ENcore/Relapse/Recovery
I used to rap well
Then I got rich and famous
So I stopped trying.

(or "Are you really sure this is 'Suitable for children 3 years and older'?")
I'm really hot (Like,
temperature-wise.) Also,
women are objects.

Hey, wanna shack up
in a bright submerged vessel
with some LSD.

Simple Kind of Life
I yearn for a child
Sometimes I "forget" my pill
Wanna get married

It's Only Right
To the left to the
Left everything you own in
A box to the left

Fly Me to the Moon
Frank Sinatra makes
Dying of No Oxygen
Sound so Romantic

That's Amore
If a pizza pie
Hit my eye, I'd be singing
"That's concussion!"

The Requisite Meat Loaf: Paradise by the Dashboard Light, in three parts
•Let's go all the way.
•I demand a pre-nup first!
•Yeah? WEll, screw you too!

"I ain't saying she's a
Gold digger," but really,
that's ALL he's saying.

A Song So Catchy/It Got Stuck in My Head/Just 'Cause I Wrote this
How to make a hit
About whipping hair around:
Say it - Rinse - Repeat

"The answer, my friend,
is blown' in the wind." Yes,
It's marijuana.

You're dead, and that sucks.
I'm alive and I miss you.
Thanks for the diamond.

Nothing sticks it to
The Man like selling your song
To a bunch of ads

Not sure if he was
Just nuts or a mob hit man -
He got this stab on

Explain the stor-yyyyyy!
Introduce the char--acters!
Crescendooooo.....Freeze Frame!

Santa Claus is Coming to Town
Watching you. Judging.
Awake, asleep...whatever.
And don't you DARE cry.

Baby, It's Cold Outside
Here's the thing Sweetcheeks,
It's snowing and I'm lonely,
so you can't go home.

Rudoplph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Until someone proves
they have some value to you,
mock them terribly.

Sure, I'll undress
But you can't loosen button
They are binary

A Notorious Theorem
As one accrues wealth
One's troubles accumulate

Friday, December 10, 2010


A political
Ink blot or football. What does
Freedom mean to you?

On Bedrest
Food and remote? Check.
Computer so I can work
from home? Dammit...check.

Open to Interpretation
I’ve got a B.A.:
Art Major, English Minor.
Why? No wrong answers :o)

The Other Side
Social norms, culture,
nature, nurture, destiny...
Freedom’s relative.

It means writing these
haiku on company time
Without losing pay.

I am so damn glad
I don't have to bill my hours.
THAT'S freedom for you!

Even for Puppies
"There is no free lunch"
Derives from fin-de-siècle
New Orleans saloons

Half Dozen of the Other
Idle Hands: either
Jessica Alba feature
or Devil's plaything

Can be Quite Scary
After finals week
Students feel free to relax
And think of failing

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Value Meal
Whither Freedom Fries?
Rich with nationalism,
saturated fat.

Don't Tell Mom
Freedom to me is
dessert before dinner and
ice cream for breakfast.

Chews Wisely
Most sugar-free gum
contains phenylalanine.
Freedom's never free.

You have to admit,
you wish you thought of it too.
Now ain't that some sh**?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Freedom is the thought
"Behind my outward facing
No-one can see me."

Less free than a bird
Rather more free than Tibet
Still, slave to money.

Monday, December 6, 2010


Friday 5pm
Harsh flourescent lights
Eyes on my computer clock
Freedom is a weekend
Apartheid era
“Masters of our destiny”
Worth the price, indeed.
Freedom from Want
Ev’ry year I’m asked
And struggle to compose it
What’s on my wish list?
Today should be a holiday
Trees and flags have days
But not the end of slav’ry?
Wrong priorities.

Christmas costs A Lot
"Freedom" comes in many forms
Five-finger discount

Broke now, job later
Grad school has another name:
Indentured service

Quarter Century -
Now no more pencils or books!
retirement (that's free!)
At my desk I sit
Dreaming of the days lost here
New Job? I hope soon

Thoughts while listening to the Prop 8 Trial
"Freedom to marry."
Well, that sounds swell. Not so much:
"The bonds of marriage."

I'll fight for your right
To marraige, babies, divorce
But first: Are you sure?

Abriged argument
Of the lawyer with gelled hair:
"Haters gotta hate."

If You Love Something, Let it Go
Like Golden Shackles,
the weight of choosing weekly
themes has been passed on :o)

Freedom of Speech
Do I have the right
to shout “Theater!” in the
middle of a fire?

Grade School Sellout
Never had the guts
to sing, “...the land of the freeeee,
Exceeept for the – slaaaaves”

What Is Freedom?
Action Born of TRUTH
And a Road Seldom Traveled
by the Multitude

"Are you free this weekend?"
Yikes! PacSun schedule:
Friday and Saturday night.
Time to quit, perhaps?

Those in uniform
Sacrifice countless freedoms
To ensure us ours

Open Letter to the Downsized Pundit
The Constitution
shields you from imprisonment,
Not unemployment.

The Last Oppressed Minority
After too long in
the closet, I'm out and proud:
I write fan fiction!

No one to please and
nowhere to be; how I miss
traveling alone.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving ExpereiWednes

Awkward family time
For an ugly holiday.
The pie is good, though.

SOLVING SECONDS (The Win-Win Situation)
When your eyes want more,
But your tummy full says no;
Sleep, and dream of food

Thanksgiving TuExperiences

The Great Cranberry Sauce Debate of 2010
Chilled, room temp, who cares?
Guess I'm no foodie, though, 'cause
I love can wibbles!

{b}testing 1 2 3{/b}
Sending from my phone
and not sure how to bold words...
There. Did that do it?

Before Meets After
My specialties are
Beverages and desserts;
Bookends to the meal

Minimalist Holiday Travel
Up and down the stairs.
Grocery and hardware stores.
A.M. doorbusters.

3rd Place is Nice Too, Charlie Brown!
Of his holiday
season specials, Thanksgiving's
my least favorite.

There's No Place Like 5-7-5
I can't tell you how
happy I was to see this
thread in my inbox.

Is it "local food"
if I switched continents first?
100 miles from what?

Travel is really opening my eyes to the world and I'm having a great time and the culture here is so magical and I'm applying to grad school for the Fall
To us, Thanksgiving.
But family, friends, and feasts
are universal.

It Was Passably Pleasant
Next to the pumpkin
we had a papaya pie.
It wasn't as good.

Sauce Sorry
The cranberry sauce
debate just makes me jealous.
Boysenberry? Yuck.

But Seriously / They Make the Best Pumpkin Pies / Yay Patriarchy!
Dinner prepared by
Only Wellesley-Women cooks
Seems so regressive

I Could Really Use / Dumbledore's Powerful Wand / (Amiritenudgenudge)
Which is slower: Trains
(Connecticut to DC)
Or Deathly Hallows?

Answering Irons / Although Your Type was Not Bold / Attempting it Was
Jimi Hendrix's
Take on HTML tags?
Simply — "Bold is love"

Turkey Day
Highlight of the meal
is stuffing, sauce, potatoes.
Turkey's a speed bump.

Agreed on turkey.
No plate space for second rate
since I went veggie.

Freshly baked wheat bread,
covered in honey butter...
This is how I roll.