Monday, November 19, 2007

The Holidays (all holidays included)

Holiday Mash Up
It's that time again -
Ho, Ho, Merry trick or thanks!
And Happy New Year!

Mark Your Calendars
My family does
Eid, Christmas, and Kwanzaa too.
No Chanukah...yet.

Stepson X-Mas
“It’s the thought that counts”?
You told me once you liked cash.
So what’s the problem?

Where is the Love?
Since we got Earth Day,
Arbor Day spends it’s minutes
just hating on it.

Guy Fawke's Day
Hugo Weaving owes
Blowing up a parliament
To Sherry Bobbins

Cinco De Mayo
This is about France;
Mexico defeated SPAIN
Late in September

[π] Day
If not March 14th,
July 22nd works
For the Commonwealth

Boxing Day
They used to box up
Scraps to give the poor in Englans
(No puglism)

“Chis is a Poseur” Day
Boycott Columbus
He didn’t discover sh!t!
Leif Erikson did.

Beg to Differ
Chris and Leif too bad...
The pharaohs were sniffing coke;
Trans-Atlantic trade?

“Most Bogus Holiday” Nominees
Groundhog’s, Valentine’s,
April Fool’s, Columbus...wait...
Daylight Savings count?

One True Religion
Should get every religious
holiday’s day off.

Gluttony - Thanksgiving
The same time each year,
We literally eat food
Until we pass out

Lust – Valentine’s Day
It’s not about sex.
It’s about buying what you
hope will get you sex.

Envy - Talk Like a Pirate Day
Thou shalt not covet
Thy scurvy and pillaging
Neighbor’s funny voice.

John sends word down that
Holidays remain the theme;
Sins are a side-quest

Mardis Gras
How come Yom Kippur
Does not employ pre-gaming
Like Lent/Ash Wednesday?

Thout the First
Each sign I saw for
The Coptic Millennium
Looked dated to me